Friday, June 24, 2016

Food Home Delivery Companies:: Hello Fresh, Blue Apron, and Home Chef

So I have been ordering Hello Fresh, Blue Apron, and Home Chef for a while now and I get asked about the differences in them so here is my two cents. They each have pro's and con's and my recommendation would be to try them all and order the food you like but here is a little break down of each. We generally just order these for dinner and then I only have to buy fruit, snacks, and lunch at the grocery store. Each company provides fresh meat/seafood and exact amounts of fresh produce to make each meal.

Hello Fresh
This is the first company I tried out. I think it's the most expensive out of the three but only by like $10 and I think the freshness and quality are worth it. Great customer service. Packaged nice and organized. Recipes are easy to follow and not too complicated. I feel like overall these are healthier options. Restricted to only three meals though. Here is my referral code for Hello Fresh 6F3MYZ and you'll get $40 off your first delivery.

Blue Apron
The second company that I tried. It is cheaper than Hello fresh (I think by $10) and still good food. Packages aren't as organized as most ingredients are seperately packaged. I feel like the recipes are a little bit harder than Hello Fresh. Only thing that stinks is you have to pick three options and sometimes if you choose one meal it won't let you choose another option combination. If you would like free meals from Blue Apron, please let me know and I periodically get three giveaways at a time.

Home chef
This is a fun one. There are so many options and I love that you can choose as many or as little options as you want. You aren't restricted to just three options. I also like that they have breakfast, fruit, and smoothie options. They are packaged all together and very organized. I feel like the first two have healthier options overall but you can still choose healthy meals here. Sometimes the recipes can be tough and lengthy. For $30 off your first order with Home Chef use this link

I order from all three now just based on the different meals they offer for the week because my husband can be a picky eater and I also choose meals that will mesh nicely with my meal plan. I just pause a shipment and order from a different one if I don't like the options. Sometimes I'll order 2 so that we have enough food for lunches and dinners or more than a week. 

If you have further questions I would be happy to chat about it.

Happy eating,

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